About me
I learned to play guitar and piano as a teenager. In 1990, I first heard a Bruckner symphony and have been interested in the life and works of this composer ever since.
Although I decided to pursue a career as a a translator and academic teacher (I received PhD in linguistics from the University of Warsaw), I have simultaneously continued musical education on my own. For example, in 2000, I translated into Polish Music. A Very Short Introduction by Nicholas Cook (Oxford University Press 1998). In 2011-2014, I contributed a dozen or so reviews of concerts to the Polish classical music magazine Ruch muzyczny, including 4 reviews of performances of Bruckner symphonies. And in 2016-2021, I was a member of a local amateur choir.
In In 2016, I published the first arrangements of 16 Bruckner works for guitar (Motets and Other Works for the guitar with tablatures) in a small Polish publishing house. In 2017, I described this publication in Bruckner Journal (Vol. XXI, No. 1, March 2017). Afterwards, I published corrigenda (errata - ang) to the book online. Since then, I have been working on improving the arrangements and preparing new ones. One result of this ongoing work is the present website.

About my project
This is my individual project carried out in my spare time, completely unfunded and not supported by any institution or individual, except for a little help from my loved ones.
I started preparing the arrangements several years ago. By now most of them have been verified with the original sources, checked in terms of practical performance and finally revised and edited.
The site will present ongoing deliverables of this project. So far, I have prepared over 30 pieces in the form of revised, edited, corrected, readable, printable and practically playable scores and here I am going to present recordings and descriptions of the pieces.
The composer or arranger does not have to be the best performer. I am going to do my best but the process of recording may take some time. Anyway, one thing is certain: the recordings published here are the best performances of these guitar arrangements you can find.
Other projects:
Ukrainian national anthem for guitar in two versions: 4-part and 3-part, Creative Commons 2022-23.
Aequale II for 3 trombones, Creative Commons 2024.